遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in 华盛顿堡 PA




欢迎 from Rich Schellhas 1760, Head of School





欢迎来到vwin德赢娱乐!  成立于1759年 as the Germantown Union School, GA成立为两所学校,以教育英语和德语的人口在附近.  Today we are located in Fort Washington and with 260 years of history, 我们是最古老的非宗派国家, 连续运行, 美国的私立走读学校.


GA families come from more than 90 communities, 有些来自50英里以外的地方, 很多都在10英里以内.  Student transportation is provided by local school districts that are within a 10 mile radius.  Currently, busing is provided by 18 neighboring districts.

The Administration Building is home to the Head of School’s Office, 招生办公室, 营业厅, 以及我们的孔子课堂.  It is an exact replica of the original school house which still stands in Germantown. 


GA’s traditional Flag Raising Ceremony is a special time for the GA community as students, faculty and staff from all three divisions come together.  康纳广场是我们校园的公共空间,每个学年都在这里开始和结束. 


At vwin德赢娱乐, we believe early childhood is the foundation for lifelong learning.  Our PreK - 2nd grade students are immersed in hands-on, multi-sensory environments that emphasize 玩 based learning.  与发展相适应的实践在所有学科领域建立基础技能,我们的前瞻性思维愿景促进21世纪的能力和创新.

我们的小学高年级学生, 三至五年级学生, 准备好超越基础,拥抱今天需要的超级技能:沟通吗, 协作, 批判性思维, 和创造力.


The 较低的学校 Tinker Lab is a “cool space to make stuff.”  设计思维是由David Kelly创立的创造性的五步解决问题的过程.学校:斯坦福大学设计学院.  所有GA学生, 学前班12年级, learn this process to tackle real world problems resulting in opportunities for 协作, 领导, 批判性思维.

A到Z图书馆和学习共享区融合了舒适的学习“社区”和21世纪的增强功能,作为低年级的学术中心, and as a community hub for visiting authors, 父母谈判, 俱乐部会议, 多元文化庆典.  The design stems from the 协作 efforts of our 较低的学校 students!

vwin德赢娱乐的自然项目帮助社区了解和欣赏环境, 去理解为什么它应该被保护, 并鼓励教师与学生一起探索校园丰富的自然资源.  The Nature Nook is a place to explore, create and 玩.

GA's Physical Education program supports an active, healthy lifestyle for students across all divisions. Our students 享受 the many athletic facilities our campus offers, including the first gym built on the Fort Washington campus.

日耳曼学院体育项目的目标是激励我们的学生运动员自信, 协作, and honorable in their pursuit of sportsmanship, 团队合作, 领导力与终身健康.  Lavino大厅包括我们的2个体育馆,室内运动场和附属设施,游泳池和体育名人堂.  

The Lavino pool houses our rich aquatics program.

GA中学, 以最纯粹的形式, is a series of moments that create opportunities for transformational experiences. 

vwin德赢娱乐中学的经验建立在低年级奠定的坚实教育基础之上.  这是令人兴奋的。, 有趣的, 具有挑战性的三年学习之旅,让学生为高中严谨多样的学习体验做好准备.

We ask our students to observe and measure the natural world around them.  我们对中学科学的体验方法使学生对科学原理有了更深入、更个人的理解.


自我表达和自信是中学课程的基石.  霍尼克曼礼堂每年为学生提供两次参加课外表演的机会.  The HA also serves as meeting space for the 中学 to convene and celebrate community.

科曼家庭馆是我们初中和高中家庭的主要入口.  它被视为所有人的聚会空间...甚至是一场流行音乐会!


建于2010-11学年, GA的Alter中学和McNeil高中综合体是怀特马什镇第一座获得LEED(能源与环境设计领导力)认证的建筑, 为通用汽车赢得了“黄金评级”.”  在这个设施的顶部是我们的绿色屋顶和养蜂场,这是我们自然项目的一部分,让学生从我们丰富的自然资源中学习.

The Beard Center for Innovation is comprised of our Maker Space and Innovation Lab.  在这个空间里, 学生学会解决问题, 合作, 头脑风暴, and implement plans to ensure that what they are learning has relevance in their real world.


Harkness Tables are more than just round tables in the 上学校.  They provide a forum for learning and debate.  The socratic Method, learning by debate and inquiry, is a philosophy that GA embraces.  Individuals graduate from GA knowing that they have their own voice and are obligated to use it.

日耳曼学院的科学系以引人入胜的课程为特色,让学生在课堂上和现代实验室设施中接触到基本的科学原理以及解决问题的技术, GA的保护, and other outdoor areas on our 126 acre campus.


成立于2007年, the GA House System offers students with strong connections, 优秀的领导机会, 指导和协作, and 有趣的 and friendly activities and competition.  The House System allows faculty advisors to focus on their House, ensuring that all students members receive appropriate amounts of attention and guidance.

GA’s 上学校 表演艺术 provide a vibrant experience that fosters self-expression, 审美深度, and artistic distinction in a 协作 environment.

视觉艺术课程为艺术的研究和应用提供了一个全面而通用的方法, including the development of student voices and personal aesthetics.  实验, 创新, 协作, 社会责任是课程的主题,鼓励学生用新方法解决老问题, 渐进式思考, and to make progress with great confidence in their ideas, 他们的声音, 以及他们最初的想法.

The 艺术 Center is home to the 上学校 Belfry Club, the oldest high school drama performing group in the country!



The Preserve is six acres of unbridled nature.  It includes an Observation Dock and Pond and several outdoor classroom learning spaces.


Class of 1990 Observation Dock allows our students to observe, 享受, 一边学习一边俯瞰我们的池塘.

姐妹森林包括乔丹球场, Oberkircher领域, and our cross country course within the surrounding woods. 

网球场, 按照USTA标准建造, support both our Physical Education and Athletic programs as well as our Summer Programs.

Carey Stadium is a multi-sport facility with an artificial turf field, track, 小吃店和洗手间.  It is our home field for many teams including football, 男女足球, 男孩长曲棍球, 还有男孩和女孩的田径比赛.


